Participating in high quality arts experiences can have a transformative impact on children, particularly those who are vulnerable, and we are committed to ensuring artists are supported to meet the needs of this very diverse group. Artists, Art and Early Childhood is a two-year European research project (2017-2019) led by Starcatchers (UK), Compagnie ACTA (France) and 2 Turven Hoog (Netherlands), and funded by Erasmus Plus.
The project will create a European network of artists whose focus will be on the relationship between artists and young children in day-to-day life — in early learning and childcare (ELC) settings, arts venues and festivals — and the impact that this has on both children and artists themselves.

What is the nature of the relationship between artists, children and their carers in different settings? How does short and longer-term engagement with artists benefit children and their carers? And how can this relationship be woven into the creation of artists’ work so that it better meets the needs of its audience?
During a series of study visits to each of the participating countries, participants will learn about each country’s policies and approaches to culture and the early years, visit ELC settings and explore artistic experiences for young children in arts venues and festivals. They will have the opportunity to observe, share practice and reflect on their learning.
Project Partners
Compagnie ACTA (Paris)
ACTA (Association for Theatrical and Audiovisual creation) creates shows for all age groups in France and abroad, building a bridge between different artistic languages so that they can meet on the same scene (singing, dancing, acrobatics, texts from modern authors, photography).
Starcatchers is Scotland’s National Arts and Early Years organisation; specialising in creating performances and exploring creative activity for babies, toddlers and young children aged 0-5 and the adults who care for them.
2 Turven Hoog (Amsterdam)
2 Turven Hoog encourages the development of high quality art for young children aged 0 to 6 years. They create productions under the banner of Stichting 2+ Producties, as well as running Festival 2 Turven Hoog and Young Start, which places artists in early learning and childcare settings and theatres to stimulate the development of new work and connect young children with art experiences in their own environment.