Fotoshoot with Heleen Haijtema
Together with photographer Heleen Haijtema and performer Loes Schaap we went to play in the forest to make pictures for the campagne of the nieuw performance "Inside Forest".
Together with photographer Heleen Haijtema and performer Loes Schaap we went to play in the forest to make pictures for the campagne of the nieuw performance "Inside Forest".
In the wintertime we were guests at Grand theatre and did the research for the inside version of the nieuw performance "inside forest".
Together with visual artist Nina Boas and natural dyeing craftswoman Lucila Kenny we researched the proces of natural dyeing for our coming performance project.
Als onderdeel van de Leergemeenschap werkten Jasmin Hasler en Akke de Groot vanuit het materiaal van de voorstelling Potjesman met de kinderen van de Borgmanschool
Toddlers and Dancers landing together
First material collection for Landing/ by Esme Valk.